Member Registration

We are delighted that you are interested in joining Writers Views Members Community.

Membership is FREE.

We want to attract members that are hobbyists and professional writers and individuals who are seriously interested in writing to join our membership community, so that we all have something in common.

With your registration, we ask you to submit some information about yourself and send us one of your articles or write about any subject of your choice during your registration. You can even tell us what you think of Writers Views Community. We would welcome your comments, suggestions, and criticism. Really.

When Elizabeth and I started this community back in July 2000, we never anticipated that one day we would have a site with 19,000+ members.

But what we are both very proud of is the way this online writers community has been managed and the friendliness and respect with which members treat each other.

So even if our registration is a little strict or out of the ordinary, please support us with our endeavors to keep our writers community clean and as always pleasant and friendly with members who are respectful towards others and have REAL common interest - writing.

Thank You

Olivia J. Gilder
Community co-Founder



Tell us about yourself:

Submit one of your articles or use the space below to write about a subject of your choice. Your submission should be between 250-500 words.

Subject Title

Article body:

<-- Enter the capital city of Venezuela