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by: Bret Morrison - posted (or last updated): 8th, January 2009

Business Merchant Accounts
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Business merchant account is not the same as a standard personal or business checking or savings account. It is an underwriting process by a merchant bank (also called acquiring bank) and this facility allows an online merchant to accept credit card payments through the Web site or "Web store".

This merchant bank account is a place where the merchant account provider holds (up to 48 hours) the funds associated to your sales from your online store while settlement and capture is completed and then the funds in this holding place is transferred to your business checking or savings bank account.

A bank that is authorized to issue merchant bank accounts (directly or through its affiliates) to businesses and companies is called an Acquiring bank and it has been certified by Visa and MasterCard associations for online transaction rather than the usual face-to-face transactions.

An Acquiring bank can provide the merchant with all of the services related to his/her merchant account needs, including the Discover and American Express (although a separate application process) which can be added to the merchant processing for Visa and Mastercard.

Once the merchant account is setup and "live" on a payment processing system, merchants can accept credit cards from their customers. This applies to both brick-and-mortar businesses as well as Internet-based businesses.

Business merchant accounts started around 1995 and and is treated by banking institutions similar to a MOTO merchant account. MOTO stands for Mail-Order-Telephone-Order or card-not-present.

The processing of credit cards online is slightly different than processing for restaurants, retail shops, hotels, car rental, etc. There is usually a higher associated risk for the bank and hence their pricing is higher.

Application Fees or Setup Fees

Although many are waiving these fees, some internet merchant account providers still require an up front application fee or setup fee. In almost all cases, this is really a sales fee that is paid to the salesperson or the sales organization and any attempt to persuade a customer that this fee is really an application processing fee is futile. Underwriting departments that process your application do not charge a fee and it is part of the overall service they provide for merchant accounts. Don't let anyone tell you that this fee is necessary. However, most merchant account providers waive this fee.

Monthly Minimum Fee

The truth about this is that you will be paying at least $25 per month (on top of the monthly statement fee) for your account and this is in case you do not process enough transactions that would bring your total monthly fees about $25. Most all internet merchant providers require a monthly minimum fee since they feel that they need to cover their costs even if you don't use your merchant account as much each month. To me this is logical and from my years of experience in this industry, I have never seen any merchant provider waive this fee yet (unless they were playing tricks and get you somewhere else).

Statement Fee (also called, Customer Service Fee, Online Support Fee, etc.)

I have a different name for this fee. I call it NONSENE fee. Merchant companies are not content with making $25 minimum per month, so they want to come up with another trick to charge you more money. $10 for printed statements, $8 for online transaction reporting, and $15 customer support fee, etc. all all nonsense and silly. You should suggest to the merchant company that you do not wish to pay for any of this.

Discount Rate

Visa and Master card merchant account discount rates should be TOTAL of 2.1%. IF you are getting anything other than this, YOU ARE PAYING TOO MUCH. American Express and Discover merchant accounts charge 3.25% and 2.6% respectively. This discount rate gets deducted from your sales ticket (e.g. if you sell an item for $100 to a Visa cardholder, your sales proceed will be $97.90 before other fees are deducted.

MY ADVICE: For years I have seen new businesses and companies get Visa merchant accounts and Master Card merchant account. Then they also wanted to add American Express and Discover merchant accounts to get more customers. However, this is costly and you absolutely do not need to do so (in 99% of cases). Anyone who has American Express and Discover, already has Visa and Mastercard. Why make your life more complicated, have more merchant accounts to manage, and on top of all, pay more in discount fees and other fees ($10 per American Express / Discover merchant accounts) when you really get little or no return for it?

Transaction Fee

This is a fixed fee between $0.10 and $0.30. The transaction fee is a fixed fee and does not vary like the discount fee. You pay 10 cents whether your sales ticket is $10 or $10,000. This is yet another fee that the merchant bank makes on top of all the other fees they charge.

Payment Gateway Transaction Fee

Some gateways also have transaction fees. Please remember this is paid to the payment gateway company or its processor and not to the merchant account provider. They are two separate fees.

Termination Fee

I dislike this the most. Some merchant account providers charge you anywhere between $200-$400 if in case you want to cancel or terminate the account within the first 12-months or the first 3-years. The worst companies I have seen doing this are Card Services International (or CS International) and some of their banking affiliates. There is no need for this fee. It is unfair and not necessary, in my opinion.

Chargeback Fees

If one of your customer requests a refund from their credit card issuing company without getting a refund or credit from you directly, your internet merchant provider will charge you a separate fee (usually between $10 - $20) for charge back in addition to deducting the sale amount from your sales receipts.

Read your merchant account application and contract carefully as other special fees may also apply. I have enclosed a sample merchant account application for your review - please remember this just a sample application only and not an actual application form.

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