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by: Bret Morrison - posted (or last updated): 8th, January 2009

Credit card merchant fee
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All banks and merchant providers require credit card merchant fees from you for accepting credit cards on your Web site. Typically, these fees are broken down into 3 categories: a discount rate, a transaction fee, and monthly fees. For the bank's purposes, a transaction is usually defined as any communication between you and the processing network. A "credit" transaction is treated the same as a regular transaction. Settling a batch is usually considered a transaction as well, as it involves communication with the processing network.

Discount Rate

This is the percentage of the total transaction amount that the bank will usually deduct prior to transferring your deposit into your bank account. Typical discount rates range from 2.1% to 2.6% for Visa/MasterCard merchant accounts, depending on your type of business and other factors. A higher rate may be charged on individual transactions if the transaction doesn't conform to certain qualifications, as described by your bank or merchant provider. For instance, accepting a "Visa Business Card" credit card may cost you 1% more than regular transactions. The reasons for these non-qualified transaction surcharges and complete details on all transaction qualifications should be discussed with your bank or merchant provider. Address Verification (AVS) may also fall into this category when not used properly. Address Verification (AVS) is described below. See Interchange Plus pricing shown below.

Transaction Fees

This is a flat amount that you pay for each transaction. Typical transaction fees range from 10 cents to 50 cents per transaction. In some cases transaction fees can be $1 or $2 per transaction, but these are rare and usually apply to Adult sites only.

Monthly Fees

These are fees charged for other account related services, such as customer service, your monthly statement, network access fees, and minimum monthly fees.

All the fees and charges are required to be disclosed to you prior to your commitment to the merchant agreement between you and your bank or merchant provider, and are usually enumerated carefully to you in the merchant agreement itself.

Interchange Plus Pricing

One of the components that affect your merchant account discount rate is the Visa or MasterCard rate which is part of the merchant discount rate. Visa and MasterCard have about 35 different rates known as Interchange, which determines the rate a merchant must pay for a particular transaction, depending on whether is a standard consumer credit card, or business credit card, or corporate card, or debit card, or reward card, or if the transaction is card swiped, has address verification or not.

Interchange Plus pricing consists of three categories of fees namely: Qualified, Mid-Qualified & Non-Qualified. The Qualified discount rate is the standard for all transactions and only covers a few Interchange rates. When a merchant processes a transaction that goes through one of the more expensive Interchange rates, providers add the Mid-Qualified or Non-Qualified rate to the merchant's Qualified rate.

Qualified Discount Rate is about 2%. Mid-Qualified is about 1%, and Non-Qualified is about 1.6%. In addition to the Interchange fee (for the issuing bank), there is also acquiring bank fee inserted into the overall Discount rate. For example, for a transaction which is with a corporate credit card and no address verification, the Discount rate can be as high as 3.9% = (Qualified (2%) + Acquiring bank rate (0.3 for underwriting) + Non-Qualified (1.6%)).

For retail merchants, the mid-qualified will apply to any keyed-in transaction. For Internet & Mail/Phone order merchants, the mid-qualified generally only applies to the reward cards.

Unfortunately the merchant account fees and pricing is unnecessarily complicated and it will always remain controversial since many believe that it is designed as such in order to confuse businesses and corporations by the banking industry.

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