U.S. Defense Budget is nothing more than a Jobs Program
About 1.5 million of our citizens are in active duty service with another 800,000 in coast guard and reserves, and another 1.5 million working in U.S. defense industry, working for various contractors from Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, to Honeywell, and others.
Starting An Online Business: What Works And What Not
Internet offers conveniences like never before. You can sell and buy goods and services 24 hours a day 7-days a week, from anywhere in the world without leaving your house. This makes the Internet, the most powerful tool for business in human history, even more than the telephone or the Television.
Make America Sane Again Political Campaign.
Historically, the easiest political campaign that just about anyone can run for and win is city council (with the exception of school board). In both cases if you have no political record as an officially elected body then you have no history with which your opponent can exploit during the campaign.
Yoga, A Little Extra Love In Your Life
Need a little extra love to get you through the week? Try Yoga. People who have never taken a Yoga class, often ask about Yoga, where did come from, what does it do for a person? I once heard someone say, “Yoga is the journey that everyone needs to take to lose themselves in order to find their true self
Are Sexiest Women Rock Climbing Babes?
The self-confidence in rock climbing women is an integral part of the person that they are and that is the amazing seductive pull about them. Their energy waves are in perfect harmony and seductiveness becomes a part of their personality, relentless like a very strong magnet.
Right-wing Conservatives Political Power Seeking
The Right-Wing strongly favors military interventionist policies and vehemently argue that it is absolutely essential for U.S. to engage in war with and visibly promotes confrontation with Iran, Syria, Sudan, and others.. They believe this is essential for U.S. and for Israel at any cost to U.S.