Screenplay Writing Contest
Teen America Foundation and a Los Angeles-based motion picture production company are jointly sponsoring a screenplay / teleplay writing contest for anyone between the age of 14 and 19 years old. Screenplay / teleplay writing contest is open to all writers of all levels who do not currently work, have never worked before, and are not currently earning from working for television or film. Prior year applicants are welcome to try again and re-submit their "new' work. Individuals may submit more than one article to the competition, but only one article per person will be eligible for final round review panel consideration. Submission will be judged upon their relevance as per the contest description.
This is a NO ENTRY FEE ($0 contest entry fee) contest, and all submissions must be made within the deadline. See additional description below.
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Writing Contest Description: Write a 5,000 word drama comedy screenplay a very funny yet dramatic scene. Ideally, the screenplay will be very fresh, unique, and funny while it offers a high degree of excitement. We like to see screenplay with a storyline and flavor similar to "A Fish Called Wonda", and "My Cousin Vinny" but is mostly focused on todays political environment and a culture difference between individuals involved in the story .
Prize: $5,000 to winner and $4,000 to second prize runner-up winner
Entry Fees: $0 (no entry/submission fee)
Start Submission Date: December 1st, 2025 (No submissions prior to this date please)
Closing Submission Date: March 31st, 2026
Special Requirements: Teen America Foundation recognizes the current challenges to young writers and have created this writing contest to promote networking and introduction of new writers to the community to help further their careers within the industry. Winners will also receive a roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodation for the writing contest award ceremony prior to March 31st, 2026.
Additional Information: See writing contest detailed information on entry requirements and addition description, including writing content FAQ.