Dream Cruise Liner Writing Contest

No Fee Writing Contests Listing - $0 Entry Fee Writing ContestsHave you ever been on a cruise? Have you ever experienced being on a yacht at night feeling something different, something deep?

If you have experienced the desire to write an ocean dream poem that captured the mood of your cruise experience, may be remembering a past experiece, a lost chance, a lost romance, a point of regret or a capture of inspiration and your creativity rushed to the surface and you lost yourself on the seas and the nostalgic emotional creativity led to your writing a poem - then put your poem on paper and share it at the next Fairview Writing Contest. This is a NO ENTRY FEE ($0 contest entry fee) contest. You can win a prize for your poem and may be even get hired by cruise liners to join their hospitality crew. See additional description below.


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Writing Contest Description: Submit your ocean inspired poem ideally capturing a heart's moment before it is lost, or feeling one's heart at the deep ocean at night making hearts speak of love and romance, desperation and agony, or dreams or more. Send in your poem, 50 lines or less, any style or mood as long as it is typed. Your creative writing can be either fiction or non-fiction although multiple poetry are not recommended.

Prize: $2,000 to winner, $750 to second prize, and $250 to 3rd & 4th place winners.

Entry Fees: $0 (no entry/submission fee)

Start Submission Date: June 1st, 2025

Closing Submission Date: December 21st, 2025

Special Requirements: Express your innermost feelings, desires, regrets, and inspirations into the beautiful art of poetry that will be read by at least 10,000 people and may be selected as the dream poetry of a cruise liner. Keep it short, 50 lines or less, and let your mind explore love and passion like never before ideally in a setting of the dark or misty ocean night on a cruise liner. No reference to sinking, or the Titanic, or fear of the ocean.

Additional Information: See writing contest detailed information on requirements and entry.

Stephanie, Community Staff




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